Explode Africa
3 min readApr 10, 2022

Hosta a.i. Hosta a.i.

Hosta a.i.One of the most innovative solutions for automated property assessment, announcing its membership Guidewire’s Insurtech Vanguards program, a new initiative led by property and casualty cloud platform provider, Guidewire, to help insurers learn about the newest insurtechs and how to best leverage them. Hosta a.i.’s virtual desk adjustment at First Notice of Loss (FNOL) complements Guidewire ClaimCenter, enabling carriers to complete claims more efficiently than ever before. Hosta a.i. solves a meaningful problem in the market for carriers — the cost and hassle of onsite adjusting — building cutting-edge technology to decrease cost while increasing customer satisfaction. It is costly and time-consuming to send adjusters onsite, which results in carriers paying an average $350 per claim and more than a billion dollars per year just for the United States. This is compounded by the possibility of inaccurate data from human-powered analyses, which is a natural consequence of manual data collection. A shift to virtual desk adjustments was also recommended by the carriers after the pandemic. Customers prefer self-service tools that allow them to access their property whenever they want. Hosta a.i. These two market forces intersect at Hosta a.i., which lays the foundation for a bold future in claims adjustment. Hosta.i. was founded last year. Hosta a.i. launched an AI-powered property assessment system that allows homeowners to upload just a few photos. This allows them to provide detailed measurements and context information. Hosta.i. is differentiated in the market because there is no app or special equipment required — any smartphone can be used. With 4–8 photos uploaded to Hosta’s website, Hosta a.i. All data needed by an adjuster for interior damages estimation can be extracted and compiled. Hosta a.i. can be added to Guidewire’s automated claims segmentation workflow at FNOL. Hosta a.i. It’s easy. To capture the interiors of policyholders’ homes, adjusters will send them an email or text message request via Guidewire. After the policyholder has received the email, they can submit 4–8 photos per room to complete their claim. The Hosta a.i. will be used for an example. Assessment Platform provides detailed property data to the adjustor, including a floorplan, material takeoffs, appliances and elevation drawings. The adjuster can use the data to determine whether the claim is desk-adjustable or needs an onsite expert. Guidewire created the Insurtech Vanguards program in order to assist insurers in learning about the most innovative insurtechs on the market. With the addition of Hosta’s technology, insurers can now accelerate processing property damage claims without ever having to send someone onsite for a property assessment. “Our mission at Guidewire has always been to innovate and solve our client’s toughest challenges, which have gotten more complex due to the pandemic, climate change, and inflation,” said Laura Drabik, chief evangelist at Guidewire. “Adding Hosta a.i. to our Insurtech Vanguards program gives our insurance clients access to a fast, simple, and accurate way to assess property claims remotely, so assessors can handle more claims with the same effort.” “We’re thrilled to join the Insurtech Vanguards program,” said Henriette Fleischmann, COO of Hosta a.i. “We want to help the industry settle a claim within a day, help policyholders feel safe quickly, and enable adjusters to handle higher claim volumes.”

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