Explode Africa
1 min readApr 24, 2022


LOQBOX Plants Thousands of Trees for Earth Day

Today, LOQBOXIt has announced that it will plant thousands more trees for every employee and new member of LOQBOX, in celebration of Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual day to support environmental protection. Earth Day was first held in 1970. It now encompasses a variety of events that EarthDay.org coordinates worldwide, including over 1 billion people from more than 193 nations. The 2022 theme is Invest in Our Planet. Tom Eyre, Co-CEO and co-founder of LOQBOX, commented: “We decided to use Ecologi to raise awareness of Earth Day and to encourage our team and our members to consider their relationship with the environment. We expect to plant around 5,000 trees across the world as part of our investment in our planet, and we hope our members value seeing their positive impact as a community.” It’s now known that one of the best tools to address the climate crisis and to keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. They are crucial in preventing ecological decline. LOQBOX chose to use Ecologi as they have a range of tree planting partners who are able to responsibly plant trees on our community’s behalf.



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